高度与等高线 Height & Contour line


以下示范为如何以 ARGEO Portable 教授高度与等高线单元

The following demonstration shows the teaching procedures of Height & Contour line by using ARGEO Portable.

  1. 在「预设地形(Preset Terrain)|preset_terrain|」中,选择「高度与等高线」。

    Apply the “Preset terrain preset_terrain” function. Select “Height & Contour line”.

  2. 在「环境调整(Environment Options)|environment_options|」中调节「垂直间距(Vertical Interval)」至 40。

    Adjust the “Vertical Interval” to 40 on the “Environment Options environment_options”.

  1. 利用已预设的高程点及其他等高线指示,找出 A 点、B 点和 C 点的高度。

    Refer to the information provided on the map. Find the height of point A, B and C.

  1. 老师可以再塑造更多地形教导学生。

    Teachers can create more landforms for teaching.


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